Some trustees noted that controlling the fringe benefit costs would be a priority in future contract negotiations.īudget Officer Pat Richey said he expects natural gas costs doubled in the current year and he is projecting only a small decline next year. Most of the village employees are covered by union contracts that specify the benefits.

Higher fringe benefit costs and higher energy costs were blamed for the bulk of the 5.1 percent increase in the expenditures. The mayor noted that the board has been meeting regularly since mid-March to review the budget. There is no plan for an increase in water or sewer rates.

The $5.077 million general fund budget total was unchanged from the preliminary budget and has a tax rate of $14.38 per thousand, up from $13.27. There was no public comment and only a few questions for clarification at the public hearing on the proposed village budget which carries an 8.38 percent tax rate increase. Under separate ownership, Mayor John Pagliaccio said the plans for the old Dutch Haus call for a banquet facility and limited additional dining.įollowing the meeting the mayor noted he expected exciting times ahead for the village with the new projects as well as the new façade for the shopping center and the plans to replace the former Tops market building with new buildings. Aurora Ventures also is seeking to convert the now-closed restaurant in the east storefront of the theatre building to a new vestibule, ticket office, lobby, and concession area, plans show. and at one time was an automotive dealership. The proposed Tim Horton’s would replace the existing structure on Hamburg St., which had been most recently used by Moog Inc. Village trustees at Monday’s meeting referred the matters to the Planning Commission for review.

and Hamburg St., and an expansion of the Aurora Theatre lobby area, as well as restaurant permit application for the former Dutch Haus restaurant on Riley St. Village officials will soon be considering permit applications and plans for Tim Horton’s restaurant at the corner of Oakwood Ave.